Monday, July 16, 2012

Happy Birthday List

Yesterday was my actual 48th birthday. It was a really good day. I'm not just saying that either. From the moment I woke up to the moment I went to bed the day was filled with laughter, good food, and great moments with loved ones. I wanted a big breakfast and I didn't want to cook. I happen to be the cook of the house so I had to think hard on this one... egg bake in the crock pot! Had it all done before midnight and it was ready to eat as I lazily climbed out of bed around nine, after a cup of coffee! The mister was great about cutting up some fresh fruit. Sarah made us some great coffee drinks and we all sat around talking, eating, sipping, and just enjoying each other for a few hours. My day finished off eating out with ALL of my kids, my granddaughter and my parents. What a treat!

As I get older I'm finding that each year I start to think a little bit more about what has been and what's coming up. It's this need I have to evaluate what's working and not working in my life. I feel like I've learned quite a bit but I know I've got a lot to learn. Here's 48 things I thought about this year.

1.  Life is pretty good.
2.  I can make my life easier by letting go or harder by allowing worry to take over.
3.  The past is done. 
4.  No one cares about what I'm wearing as much as I do.
5.  Never ask him if an outfit looks good - ask your daughter or best friend instead. He's just gonna give you whatever he thinks the right answer is.
6.  Holding grudges only burdens you down.
7.  It's a good thing to have at least one fresh flower in your house. 
8.  Not everything your parents told you when you were a kid holds true today. 
9.  Your mom and dad are humans and never claimed to be perfect. Don't treat them like they should be.
10. Make messes. 
11. Make more messes with your kids. 
12. Make sure your kids know you know you're not perfect.
13. You can't save your kids from making the mistakes you made. 
14. Validate and reassure. It goes a long way.
15. Believe in something bigger than you.
16. Never, not once, not for a single moment, stop believing in yourself.
17. Don't be afraid to talk to someone when life hurts. 
18. Cherish.
19. Dream.
20. Be a grandma. Find someones baby to borrow if you don't have your own!
21. Never see your child as a mini-you, even if they act just like you.
22. Love a pet.
23. Feed birds.
24. Watch birds eat.
25. Walk through a garden.
26. Learn from your mistakes. 
27. Don't be afraid to take chances.
28. Don't be afraid to fail. 
29. Tell the people you love that you love them. 
30. Show the people you love that you love them.
31. Allow the people that love you, to love you. 
32. Never be afraid to say no.
33. Buy something frivolous for your home.
34. Take a lot of pictures of it and post them online.
35. Slow down.
36. Bake treats. Taste them always.
37. Help people. 
38. Believe in good.
39. Dance in the street when it's raining with a child.
40. Be okay with the quiet.
41. Relax, be flexible.
42. Know how to cook comfort food.
43. Share that food with others.
44. What seems to be, might not really be. Don't judge. Don't assume. 
45. Find out what the story is - from others, about things. Try to understand.
46. Listen to music. 
47. Take care of your body. 
48. Just breathe.

See you later in the week with another fabulous recipe. Just a little tease, get your whole chicken and grills ready!




  1. Thank you for the list! I loved it :)

  2. Thanks Courtney! I'm so glad I got to share my birthday with you!
